Quebec stars and their 4-legged best friends

March 1, 2020

Who isn’t curious to find out about celebrities’ better halves? Of the animal kind, that is. Enjoy these great pics!

If you: (a) can't contain your enthusiasm when you come across a cute dog in the street, and (b) have a soft spot for animal videos … you're not alone! Quebec celebrities are also “all in"for cute, 4-legged animals. Check out the adorable dogs with whom they share their daily lives.

#Queencanne gets to go everywhere with Marina Bastarache.

Here's Jean-Philippe Dion's new companion animal.

Alice, Valérie Roberts's super cute canine.

Stéphane Rousseau and his dance partner.

Cœur de pirate's curly haired beauty.

Phil Roy's photogenic fido.

Chantal, Rosalie Vaillancourt's cute 4-legged friend.

Félix-Antoine Tremblay's faithful companion goes by the name Hector.

Mariana Mazza's furry friend.

René is Annie-Soleil Proteau's adorable Pomeranian.

Photo 1: marinabastarache

Photo 2: jphilippedion

Photo 3: robertsval

Photo 4: thestephanerousseau

Photo 5: beatricepirate

Photo 6: philroy

Photo 7: rosalievaillancourt

Photo 8: phoenixantoine

Photo 9: marianacherie

Photo 10: anniesoleil.proteau

Cover and thumbnail : phoenixantoine


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