You’ve downloaded a dating app and you’re ready to meet people? If only there was an app to help your new sweetheart and your companion animal get along! Owning a companion animal can sometimes mean having a lifestyle that isn’t 100% compatible with a fulfilled love life. And even more so if your dog tends to be emotionally dependent. Here are a few tips for dating without putting your dog’s nose out of joint.
Make your bedroom off-limits
If your dog is used to sleeping at the foot of your bed, it might be a good idea to re-evaluate the situation before inviting your new flame to stay over. Some people may be uncomfortable sleeping in the same room as your companion animal. Perhaps they have allergies? Maybe they don’t sleep well? Whatever the reason, it may be time to make your bedroom off-limits for your dog. To encourage your dog to make the switch, give them a treat when they leave your bedroom and keep the door shut. Be consistent: if you don’t let your dog in because your partner’s sleeping over, do the same the following day, even if you’re alone. And, when it’s time for them to relocate, make sure to give your dog a comfortable cushion and a cozy new place to sleep. This step will help ensure your sweetheart’s wellbeing.
Avoid the blame game
Some animals can act up around strangers. If your love interest isn’t great with animals, don’t be harsh if your dog doesn’t react well to them. Tell your partner about your animal’s personality—and how they might behave—before they meet. Be sure to reward your dog for good behaviour around your partner. This may help minimize the risk of your dog developing an aversion, which will definitely be a problem if you end up moving in together.
Be patient
You may think your dog is the most adorable creature in the whole wide world, but there’s a chance your partner might be more critical! Remember that some people aren’t especially drawn to animals. You shouldn’t expect your new boyfriend or girlfriend to shower your dog with time and energy or even participate in their upkeep. It might take several weeks—or even months—for them to fall in love with your pet. The good news is that they’ll probably come around … eventually!
Companion animals are so important to us. As we welcome new people into our lives, expect a few bumps in the road but stay your course and things will likely work out for everyone!